How to Manage Your Team

"Just do it" might work for sports, but when it comes to effective delegation, Netflix's approach takes the trophy! In our session, we delved into how to delegate not just tasks, but also the context and autonomy.

The core concepts of the session

🧩 Delegate with context, not control

Delegation isn't just about assigning tasks; it’s about providing the full picture, the 'why', behind the task. This empowers your team to make informed decisions and take ownership.

The Netflix style of delegation is losely coupled and highly aligned.

🕵️ Use SCQ to delegate with context

The SCQ model is like a detective story that helps you solve any riddle: first, you set the scene (Situation), then a twist appears (Complication), and finally, you ask the big question that solves the mystery (Question)!

🌟 Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose

These are the golden trifecta for motivating your team. When you delegate, aim to enhance these elements:

  • Give autonomy: Give people control of own behaviors and goals.
  • Allow for mastery: Enable them to enhance their own skills needed for success and use what they already have.
  • Give clear purpose: Underline the task’s meaning to foster the sense of belonging.

⚙️Rapid prototyping for quick output

Innovation is key, but so is efficiency. There is little that we hate more than doing work for the garbage. Rapid prototyping allows for quick testing and learning, reducing waste and accelerating progress.

Your Moment of Truth

Do you remember your Moment of Truth of this session?

How are you going to change how you delegate your current project?

Schedule your Buddy Session

Even Batman needed Robin. So schedule your buddy session to make sure your succeed with your learnings. Discuss the following questions:

  • How can you apply what you've learned to delegate more effectively in this project?
  • What specific actions or changes will you implement?

Remember, effective delegation is about empowering, not just offloading tasks. We are eager to see how you'll apply these concepts to elevate your team's performance.

Books on the topic

Do you want more? More details, more examples, more stories? Here are our top recommended reads on the topic of this training session.

No Rules Rules

Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer

The Pyramid Principle

Barbara Minto

Podcasts for this session

We know that books are not for everybody. We rather would like to share our greatest finds from the podcast world on these topics with you:

How to Delegate

Leadership Coach Deborah Grayson Riegel talks about the keys to effective delegation.
To the podcast

Daniel Pink on What Motivates Us

In a very early episode of the HBR IdeaCast podcast, Dan Pink explains Autonomy, Master, Purpose. Duration: 16m
To the podcast

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Where can I find the recap of the other sessions?

Search your email inbox for the subject line "Leadership Training Recap. This search will retrieve all our recap emails, providing you with all the links to the session recaps. Again, let us know if something is missing.