How to Grow Your Team With Feedback

Feedback is a powerful tool, but like a double-edged sword, feedback can uplift or wound. Recognizing the vulnerability of human identity is crucial in our feedback approach. Let’s look back at what we covered in our last session:

The core concepts of the session

Before we jump into the content one very important reminder: Giving feedback is not just about pointing out what needs improvement; It's as much about giving specific praise; it’s about nurturing growth and protecting the individual's identity.

⛈️ SBI as the solution to solve the two major challenges of feedback 

Giving feedback needs to consider two things: Number 1: Human identity is vulnerable. And number 2: Change requires specific new behaviors.

This is why SBI feedback is so powerful. It does not hurt someone's identity while making clear how the recipient could have acted differently.

🗣️ Beyond Content: Mindset and Non-Verbal Cues

Effective feedback goes beyond words. The mindset of both the provider and recipient plays a crucial role, as does body language. It's not just what you say, but how you say it.

🍬 The Line

In our teaser email, we announced "The Line" as the most powerful tool in psychology for which you only need a pen, a paper, and to draw a line. What do you think? Do you agree?

We absolutely love the simple image that helps to locate us 👇 below or ☝️ above the line. Try it :).

Your Moment of Truth

In the session you spent quite some time preparing great feedback for one of your teammembers. So now it is time for the Moment of Truth.

When and in which situation are you going to give your developed SBI feedback?

Schedule your Buddy Session

As Mr. Armstrong once said: "It's one small step for planning, but a giant leap for learning" or something like this... Take that giant leap by taking a small step and do the buddy session.

  1. Reflect how it was to provide feedback in the SBI structure? What worked? How did it reasonate?
  2. What are you going to change in the way you provide feedback?

Books on the topic

Do you want more? More details, more examples, more stories? Here are our top recommended reads on the topic of this training session.

Radical Candor

Kim Scott

Nonviolent Communication

Marshall B. Rosenberg

Podcasts for this session

We know that books are not for everybody. We rather would like to share our greatest finds from the podcast world on these topics with you:

Jim Dethmer: Leading Above the Line

Jim Dethmer, inventor of "The Line" share practical advice for how the tool can help leaders become more self-aware and lead from above the line.
To the podcast

The Secret to Giving Great Feedback

Listen to Kim Scott, inventor of "Radical Candor" explain how to introduce the feedback concept and how to keep caring personally when giving challenging feedback
To the podcast

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Where can I find the recap of the other sessions?

Search your email inbox for the subject line "Leadership Training Recap. This search will retrieve all our recap emails, providing you with all the links to the session recaps. Again, let us know if something is missing.