How to Develop Presence in Meetings

Ever felt like your meetings could be more impactful? You're not alone. Transform your role from a participant to a powerful facilitator, ensuring each meeting you lead is as engaging as it is effective. 

The core concepts of the session

📝 Start with a Strong Agenda

Beginning with a clear agenda sets the tone for the meeting and ensures that discussions stay on track. It's the blueprint that guides your team's energy and focus throughout the session.

  • ✓ Are goals of this meeting specified? Did we specify outcomes or only topics?
  • ✓ What is realistic in this meeting? How to prioritize?
  • ✓ Which tools can help me achieve the goals? Agenda? Visualization? Notes? Templates? Pictures?

🔄 Follow-Ups Are Key

Great meetings don't end when people leave the room; they have strong follow-through. Ensuring that actions are reviewed and responsibilities are clear can significantly boost productivity and accountability.

  • ✓ Were all ToDos collected during the meeting?
  • ✓ Does everybody understand what the output will be?
  • ✓ Are follow-ups realistic?
  • ✓ Who is responsible?
  • ✓ When is the next check-in about the output?

🎯 Managing Attention with Precision

To navigate meetings effectively, start by addressing any unproductive behavior early. This can involve asking a dominant speaker to explore a different perspective or checking if the discussion remains aligned with the meeting's objectives. Enhance engagement through structured techniques like having each participant write down ideas on post-its, which not only levels the playing field but also ensures that every voice is heard and valued.

Your Moment of Truth

The talk is over; now let’s walk the walk. Step into your Moment of Truth and show what you've got.

How can you use the discussed strategies during your upcoming most challenging meeting?

Schedule your Buddy Session

Discuss with your buddy how the unarguable truth is playing out in your meetings:

  • How have you applied what you learned to shift meeting dynamics? 
  • Share experiences and insights on changes you've noticed.

Books on the topic

Do you want more? More details, more examples, more stories? Here are our top recommended reads on the topic of this training session.

Death by Meeting

Patrick Lencioni

Podcasts for this session

We know that books are not for everybody. We rather would like to share our greatest finds from the podcast world on these topics with you:

Frequently asked questions

Do you have additional questions than those on this page? Then please don't hesitate and ask us directly via
Where can I find the Miro board of my training?

The link to the Miro board for your program is in the recap email we sent you. This link remains for your program, allowing you to access the board at any time. For quick access, we recommend bookmarking this link in your browser.

I have a question about the training session. What can I do?

Simply reply to the recap email to connect directly with the responsible person for your group. If you can't find it, send an email to

Unfortunately, I missed this session. What now?

Don't worry, we are not leaving anyone behind! You should have already received an email to the 30-minute catchup session. If not, please contact us directly (email address in the recap or

Where can I find the recap of the other sessions?

Search your email inbox for the subject line "Leadership Training Recap. This search will retrieve all our recap emails, providing you with all the links to the session recaps. Again, let us know if something is missing.