How to Cultivate a Performance and Learning Culture

Dysfunctions of a team sound so dystopian. Identifying them is the first step to getting rid of them. In this training we addressed tools on how to do this.

The core concepts of the session

šŸŒ± Importance of Weekly Learning

Just like a garden needs regular care to flourish, weekly learning nurtures your team's growth. It's about cultivating a habit where learning is as natural as breathing!

The four pillars form the basis to structure your team's learning journey.

šŸ“ŗ 5 Dysfunctions of a Team

Okay, the 'First Aid' scene from "The Office" might not happen in your teams. But just like that scene, the 5 Dysfunctions can be hilariously evident yet critically important to address. Let's ensure our teams are more functional than a sitcom setup!

You can also use the questionnaire that we did in the session with your team. They can use this link and then share the results in a retrospective. Here is the link to the survey.

ā³ Balancing Time Between High and Low Performers

It's a tightrope walk, but balancing your time between high and low performers is key. Think of it as being a conductor of an orchestra, ensuring every instrument (team member) plays its part harmoniously.

  • Not all loud things are important
  • Not every important thing is loud
  • Some important things donā€™t have an immediate payoff

Your Moment of Truth

How can you address a dysfunction of your team that you identified in the survey?


Schedule your Buddy Session

How can you make sure that you apply the learnings from this session? Of course, by talking with your training buddy about it!

  • Share how it is going for you to bring your hero story to life.
  • Discuss how you are addressing any dysfunctions of your team that you have identified in the survey.

Books on the topic

Do you want more? More details, more examples, more stories? Here are our top recommended reads on the topic of this training session.

Die 5 Dysfunktionen eines Teams

Patrick Lencioni

Podcasts for this session

We know that books are not for everybody. We rather would like to share our greatest finds from the podcast world on these topics with you:

Frequently asked questions

Do you have additional questions than those on this page?Ā Then please don't hesitate and ask us directly via
Where can IĀ find the Miro board of my training?

The link to the Miro board for your program is in the recap email we sent you. This link remains for your program, allowing you to access the board at any time. For quick access, we recommend bookmarking this link in your browser.

I have a question about the training session. What can IĀ do?

Simply reply to the recap email to connect directly with the responsible person for your group. If you can't find it, send an email to

Unfortunately, IĀ missed this session. What now?

Don't worry, we are not leaving anyone behind! You should have already received an email to the 30-minute catchup session. If not, please contact us directly (email address in the recap or

Where can IĀ find the recap of the other sessions?

Search your email inbox for the subject line "Leadership Training Recap. This search will retrieve all our recap emails, providing you with all the links to the session recaps. Again, let us know if something is missing.