How to Train and How to Lead

Playing Jeopardy and diving into our first "how to grow" session was an absolute blast! Thank you for the great session. Now, prepare for a long text (but most of it are images, so easy enough to read).

The core concepts of the session

🔭 Perspectives on leadership

Recall the 'Dancing Guy' video? It's a lively reminder that leadership starts with one person's courage to step up and inspire a collective groove. Leadership isn't about rank but the power to influence and unite.

⛹️ Sports Coach or Puppet Player

There are two metaphors that are helpful when we think about leadership. However, it is never one or the other. The mix makes leadership tasty.

💪 Becoming better

As a leader, you generally have 5 different ways of integrating “becoming better” into your weekly team life:

  1. Be a role model
  2. Manage performance
  3. Make time for learning
  4. Do meetings for improvement
  5. Use the Top Gun approach

🐘 Radical Candor

The next sessions will be focused around performance management in your teams. One of the keys of high-performing teams is to have a productive feedback culture. And Radical Candor is amazing tool to get going with it.

If you have time, have a look at the video by Kim Scott explaining Radical Candor (5 min). She is an expert in it (maybe because she invented it 😊). YouTube Video by Kim Scott

Your Moment of Truth

We talked a lot about leadership during the session. Who are your role models? When do you want to lead and how? At the end of the day, what counts in all the discussions is your moment of truth.

What is the most important step for you personally in anchoring leadership in your week?

Schedule your Buddy Session

Don't forget to plan your buddy session before the next training session. Discuss in pairs how it has worked to really put leadership into practice.

- What have you already achieved from your plans?

- Have you managed to do it every week?

Books on the topic

Do you want more? More details, more examples, more stories? Here are our top recommended reads on the topic of this training session.

Servant Leadership

Robert K. Greenleaf

Podcasts for this session

We know that books are not for everybody. We rather would like to share our greatest finds from the podcast world on these topics with you:

Frequently asked questions

Do you have additional questions than those on this page? Then please don't hesitate and ask us directly via
Where can I find the Miro board of my training?

The link to the Miro board for your program is in the recap email we sent you. This link remains for your program, allowing you to access the board at any time. For quick access, we recommend bookmarking this link in your browser.

I have a question about the training session. What can I do?

Simply reply to the recap email to connect directly with the responsible person for your group. If you can't find it, send an email to

Unfortunately, I missed this session. What now?

Don't worry, we are not leaving anyone behind! You should have already received an email to the 30-minute catchup session. If not, please contact us directly (email address in the recap or

Where can I find the recap of the other sessions?

Search your email inbox for the subject line "Leadership Training Recap. This search will retrieve all our recap emails, providing you with all the links to the session recaps. Again, let us know if something is missing.